Lew Meixler

We were fortunate to have Amber Oldenburg give our two clubs a joint ZOOM presentation on the vast resources of genealogy information that is available from the familysearch.org Wiki. The site has a treasure trove of primary resource information, which at first may seem overwhelming. Amber’s introduction to the Wiki provided a methodical and understandable…

Nancy Massey

Amber presented two virtual presentations for the Hamilton East Public Library. Her first presentation, Land Records: A Family Historian’s “Bread and Butter” was well-received by attendees. It was very informative, full of resources, and very inspiring. One attendee commented, “Today’s program was a great presentation and offered new search ideas.” Amber’s knowledge of the subject…

Bert Jones

We were privileged to have Amber at our 2021 North Star Genealogy Conference for two different sessions. Not only were her two sessions fun to attend, but Amber was also very knowledgeable in her topics and gave some wonderful insights that were fresh and thought-provoking! She was also very on top of marketing her sessions…