Nancy Massey

Amber presented two virtual presentations for the Hamilton East Public Library. Her first presentation, Land Records: A Family Historian’s “Bread and Butter” was well-received by attendees. It was very informative, full of resources, and very inspiring. One attendee commented, “Today’s program was a great presentation and offered new search ideas.” Amber’s knowledge of the subject was only surpassed by her enthusiasm which was contagious. We asked her back for a second virtual presentation on the Fantastic and Fun-Filled World of the FamilySearch Wiki and Catalog. Amber’s tips and techniques of using the FamilySearch WIKI were very useful. Again, Amber’s knowledge of the topic and enthusiasm was awesome. So awesome, we invited Amber back for a third presentation to be given next year on True Grit and Determination: Finding Your Female Ancestors. We are looking forward to another informative and inspiring program!